Wolfgang Becker zu Gast bei der Reihe "Was tut sich – im deutschen Film?" am 27. Oktober 2015 im DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt; Quelle: DFF, Foto: Sophie Schueler
Wolfgang Becker at DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt, October 27, 2015

Wolfgang Becker at 70

His feature films brought a different, alternitve image of Germany to the screen: As a director and author, Wolfgang Becker has decidely shaped our perception of German cinema after 1990. While the celebrated youth drama "Child's Play" (1991/1992) marked the breakthrough of the dffb alumni and former camera assistent of Michael Ballhaus, it was the following bittersweet love story of "Life is All You Get" (1995-1997) that firmly established Becker as an utterly contemporary and deeply humanist auteur, who was rightfully regarded on the same level as Mike Leigh and other masters of  socially realistic yet poetic filmmaking. This quality also distinguished Becker's international success "Good Bye, Lenin!", which still stands synomynous for a loving and ironic self-reflection of a reunited Germany. On June 22, the co-founder of the influential production company X-Filme Creative Pool turns 70 – congratulations Wolfgang Becker!

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