Hark Bohm
Hark Bohm

Hark Bohm at 85

Nearly 60 years ago, Hark Bohm began his career in the German film industry, soon becoming one of its defining personalities. He started as an actor for Alexander Kluge and Rainer Werner Fassbinder, but his definitive breakthrough as a director and writer came with the timeless youth portrait "North Sea is Dead Sea". Films such as the multi-award-winning social drama "Yasemin", the satire "Der kleine Staatsanwalt", and the East-West German drama "Herzlich willkommen" cemented Bohm's reputation as a sensitive and politically engaged storyteller. Beyond the film sets, Bohm was extremely active too: He was one of the founders of the legendary Filmverlag der Autoren publishing house, and it was on his initiative that the Hamburg Film Festival was established. He also established the Film Studies program at the University of Hamburg, creating a significant training pathway for young filmmakers; he was the head of the Hamburg Media School until 2005. Additionally, he appeared as an actor in around 90 film and television productions. Together with Fatih Akin, he co-wrote the screenplays for "Goodbye Berlin", "In the Fade", and – currently in production – the family story "Amrum," based on Bohm's childhood memories. On May 18, the tireless Hark Bohm turns 85 – congratulations!

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