"Bad Director", Source: Weltkino Filmverleih, Alpenrepublik, DFF, © Nachtlicht Film
Oliver Masucci

Now at the Movies: Bad Director

The Lolas at the German Film Awards have just been awarded again, when Oskar Roehler delivers his powerful and self-deprecating dismantling of the German film industry - with a hilarious dig at the German Film Awards, when his anti-hero, the washed-up director Gregor Samsa, drunkenly mocks his peers at the gala. With "Bad Director", Roehler has adapted his own novel "Selbstverfickung" and cast the fabulous Oliver Masucci, who played Fassbinder for him in "Enfant Terrible", in the lead role. His Gregor Samsa, named after the character who mutates into a vermin in Kafka's "Metamorphosis," tries in vain to suppress his frustration at his decline with all kinds of excesses and is full of contempt for himself, the hypocritical movie world and the rest of the universe. But then Grete (Bella Dayne) shows up, and the shocked Samsa is immediately certain: she is his muse and his salvation! But not everything goes as smoothly as he imagines during the shooting of his new movie. Could it have something to do with his attitude?: "A director is nothing. He puts a few people in the picture. That's all a shitty director does!" But this uninhibitedly cynical and at the same time very amusing satire proves par excellence that there is a bit more to the profession.

Current News

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