
Deutschland 2012 Dokumentarfilm


What makes a person what he is? Cajo (22) is typical for the petty criminal youth on the wrong path. His crimes include armed robbery and aggravated assault. But now Cajo wants to make a change, this time when he gets out of jail everything will be different. With his adoptive parents, who brought him from Brazil when he was two, at his side, he sets out to start a new life. Euphorically, he looks for a home together with his pregnant girlfriend Rijelda and makes plans for a happy family life.

But soon his past catches up with him: Cajo pretends to be someone he is not. In order to escape reality, he invents characters, feigns being a car dealer, a professional football player or a talent scout and gets lost in his performances. The re lation ship with Rijelda splits up. Cajo must return to jail and his young girlfriend is alone with the child.

The film accompanies Cajo throughout a whole year. One year later, the filmmakers meet him again, and he comments on the past year. Behind his façade you can see a boy who seems to know exactly what he is and can evaluate himself very well. You can tell that he wants to make it but he does not know why he fails again and again. The filmmakers are very close to the protagonist and mix the two levels: Cajo’s past and his present, in which he is his own commentator. "I do not know who I am. And if you do not know who you are, you’re nobody and everyone."

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH



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All Credits

60 min
HD, 16:9
Farbe, Dolby

Uraufführung (DE): 22.01.2013, Saarbrücken, Max Ophüls Preis - Wettbewerb


  • Originaltitel (DE) Nowhereman



60 min
HD, 16:9
Farbe, Dolby

Uraufführung (DE): 22.01.2013, Saarbrücken, Max Ophüls Preis - Wettbewerb