Heute geboren

Name Geburtstag Sort ascending Tätigkeit
Oliver Korittke Cast
Harald Voß Production design
Lia Boysen Cast
Michael Horaczek Director of photography
Götz Argus Cast
Michaela Caspar Cast, Screenplay, Director of photography
Adriana Altaras Cast, Screenplay
Ole Meldgaard Screenplay
Thomas Koschwitz Cast
Normand Corbeil Music
Rob Epstein Cast, Director
Monika Treut Cast, Director, Screenplay, Director of photography, Editing, Sound, Miscellaneous, Producer
Frieder Butzmann Cast, Sound, Miscellaneous, Music
Patrick Doyle Music
Christopher Franke Cast, Sound, Music
Heidi Baratta Cast
Elisabeth Vitouch Cast
Tina Engel Cast
Karin David Cast
Philippe Garrel Cast