Der Tanz mit dem Teufel - Die Entführung des Richard Oetker

Deutschland 2000/2001 TV-Spielfilm


Dance With The Devil

The crime that rocked the nation and took over twenty years to solve: 25 years ago, Richard Oetker, heir to one of the largest fortunes in Germany, was kidnapped. For the first time ever, he has agreed to collaborate with a film team to tell his story. It was the crate.


To this day, it still unnerves Richard Oetker when he looks back... It is 1976, and Oetker is kidnapped and forced into a wooden crate. The kidnapper demands, and gets DM 21 million, an unheard-of sum at the time. Oetker is freed, but while in the crate he suffers an electric shock that leaves him crippled for the rest of his life. Georg Kufbach, the police agent who found Oetker, begins a quest for justice that will last nearly 20 years. Convinced that a man named Cilov is the kidnapper, Georg, working closely with Oetker, begins to circle in on his prey. Cilov knows he is trapped, but Georg has no proof; Cilov has the money, but Georg has to catch him with it. Like Oetker in his crate, all three are trapped within the narrow confines of their desires and obsessions. All three are inextricably bound together, hurtling towards the startling outcome...

Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH


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183 min
Farbe, Stereo
Censorship/Age rating:

FSK-Prüfung (DE): 10.10.2001, 88812, ab 12 Jahre


Uraufführung (DE): 12.11.2001, Sat.1 [2. Teil]


  • Originaltitel (DE) Der Tanz mit dem Teufel - Die Entführung des Richard Oetker



183 min
Farbe, Stereo
Censorship/Age rating:

FSK-Prüfung (DE): 10.10.2001, 88812, ab 12 Jahre


Uraufführung (DE): 12.11.2001, Sat.1 [2. Teil]