Director, Screenplay


Gil Mehmert – Director

Born in Werne on 19.2.1965 and grew up in Marl and Werne. After taking soloist music instruction, he moved to Munich to study stage directing under August Everding, 1987-1991. He has directed more than 50 stage plays and musicals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


Since autumn 2003 Professor at the Folkwang Academy in Essen, specializing in the musical. In 1999, he turned to film with the award-winning short "Ukulele Blues". "Aus der Tiefe des Raumes" (2004), which he wrote and directed, marks his feature film debut.

Source: 55. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin (Catalogue)


  • Director
  • Screenplay
  • Story
  • Director
  • Screenplay