Cast, Director, Assistant director
Stuttgart Grafing


Frank Strecker was born in Stuttgart in 1941, the son of actor Max Strecker. He worked from 1961-1967 as an assistant director for, among others, Helmut Kaeutner, Wolfgang Liebeneiner, Wilm ten Haaf, and Wolfgang Schleif. He was a director at the BR TV channel until 1972 and now works freelance as director, actor, author and songwriter. Apart from various TV series, he has made such films as: "Hier faellt ein Haus, dort steht ein Kran und ewig droht der Baggerzahn" (Adolf Grimme Award, 1978), "Klein – Zaches" (1982), "Floehe hueten ist leichter" (1984), "Anna" (1988), "Ein unvergessliches Wochenende" (1992) and "The Cry of the Butterfly" ("Der Schrei des Schmetterlings", 1998).

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH