The False Faces

USA 1918/1919 Spielfilm
Film ansehen
72:35 min
Production company
Thomas H Ince Corp.
Rights statement
Deutsche Kinemathek

The Lone Wolf was a thief before the First World War. He manages to get past enemy lines and into the British trenches, where he meets Lieutenant Thackeray, who used to work for Scotland Yard. He orders Lone Wolf to travel to the USA to deliver secret information. On the steamship he meets his longtime enemy Karl Ekstrom, now an agent for the Germans, and Cecilia Brooke, who entrusts him with an important message. On a signal from Ekstrom, the ship is torpedoed by a German submarine. Lone Wolf manages to swim to the submarine and pose as a German secret agent. After arriving on the island of Martha's Vineyard, he escapes to New York. There he defeats Ekstrom and discovers the headquarters of the German spies. Cecilia, rescued from the sinking ship, meets Lone Wolf. Together they deliver the secret documents.
Source: Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum for Film and Television