Wetzlarer Wintersport an der Brühlsbachwarte (1914)

DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum

Winter sports in Wetzlar at Brühlsbachwarte

Winter sports near Wetzlar. Tobogganists and skiers populate the slope. An intertitle reads: "That no-one is born a master is also true for our athletes. After all, it takes time to learn a telemark."

Since the 1910s, Oskar Barnack, the inventor of the Leica, had captured events around Wetzlar on film with his self-constructed film camera. He documented flood disasters, city festivals, medical experiments, sporting events and the company where he was employed as chief designer: the Optical Works Ernst Leitz in Wetzlar. His films form the basis of a film archive in which local history has the same place as the effects of great historical events.