Weitere Namen
Pawel Kocambasi (Geburtsname)
Director, Screenplay, Director of photography, Editing, Sound
Warschau, Polen


Pawel M. Starost was born Pawel Kocambasi in 1973 in Warsaw and studied at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg. His films include: the shorts "Schlagzeuger" (1996), "Smierc" (1997), "Stille Nacht" (1998), "Zwei" (1999) which screened in Hof in 1999 and at Camerimage in Poland in 2000, and the features "Der Rattenkoenig" (2003) which won the Caligari Award 2001, was selected for and screened at the Cologne Conference 2002 and was nominated for the German Television Award, and the documentary "Tiger" (2006) winner of the Biber Award at Biberach 2006.

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH



  • Director
  • Screenplay
  • Director of photography
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Director
  • Screenplay