

Jonas Oeßel made his debut in front of the camera in 2015 with a small role as the son in the comedy series "Knallerfrauen". This was followed by supporting roles as the son of the main character in the TV comedy "Volltreffer" (2016) and in the family story "Wir sind doch Schwestern" (2018); he made appearances as "Young Böhmermann" in two episodes of the satire show "Neo Magazin Royale" (2018/19) with Jan Böhmermann. In 2019, Oeßel had his first leading role in the feature film "Mission Ulja Funk", as a classmate of a 12-year-old amateur astrologer with whom he embarks on an adventurous road trip. The film premiered at the 2021 Berlinale in the Generation Kplus section and won awards at several other festivals – such as the Golden Sparrow Children's Media Festival, where another film starring Oeßel also premiered: "Nachtwald" (2021), the story of two friends who embark on an adventurous search for a mysterious cave and the vanished father of one of them in the Swabian mountains. This film also received awards at several international festivals. The theatrical release was in November 2022, followed in early 2023 by the release of "Mission Ulja Funk".


  • Cast
  • Cast
  • Cast