Director, Screenplay
Valence d’Agen


Born in Valence d’Agen, France in 1943. He wrote for the ‘Cahiers du Cinéma’ film magazine in Paris between 1964 and 1967 and then became assistant director to Jacques Rivette. He first began working as a stage director in Paris before turning to screenwriting and film directing in the early 1970s. His greatest successes include "Ma Saison Préferée" ("My Favourite Season") and the multi-award-winning drama "Les roseaux sauvages" ("Wild Reeds"). His work most recently featured in the Berlinale Competition in 2016 with "Quand on a 17 ans" ("Being 17").

Source: 69. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin (Catalogue)


  • Director
  • Screenplay