Jazzclub - Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm (2003/2004) - Filmanfang

Production company
Senator Film Produktion GmbH (Berlin); in Zusammenarbeit mit: Westside Filmproduktion GmbH (Krefeld, Köln)
Rights statement
Turbine Medien GmbH

The video shows the first five minutes of the film.

Film synopsis: Although Teddy Schu, a fish vendor, works part-time as a newspaper deliverer, he still does not have enough money to live a decent life, much to the chagrin of his wife. But jazz music is Teddy′s true passion. He plays in a band and dreams about a career as a musician. But real life does not mean well for Teddy. On top of that, the innkeeper of Teddy′s jazz bar dies, and the band even loses its place to play at.