Walzerkrieg (1933) - Filmanfang

Production company
Universum-Film AG (UFA) (Berlin) (Herstellungsgruppe Günther Stapenhorst)
Rights statement

The video shows the first five minutes of the film.

Film synopsis: Great Britain’s "Königlicher Hofballmusikdirektor" is on his way to Vienna where he has a pretty heavy job to do: He is commissioned to bring "Vienna’s best waltz music-group with the most quick-witted waltz composer and conductor" to his majesty’s court in London. To make his search a little bit easier, he is accompanied by Ilonka who is a former Hungarian "Puszta girl", the most prominent dancer at Vienna’s k.u.k. ballet. On his arrival in Vienna, Sir Philips encounters another problem. The members of the music-group he has chosen are all going haywire: Timpanist Gustl is in love with the daughter of Kapellmeister Lanner, always misses his entries and thus gets fired. Together with his friend Strauß, Gustl alienates half of the music-group from Lanner. Lanner rages, while Ilonka on the other side knows Strauß quite well because they had been in a relationship once. Unsurprisingly, their romance soon starts all over again. Thus, some matters of the heart have to be solved before the British court can finally enjoy the music of the complete waltz music-group from Vienna.

Films from the National-Socialist period must be considered in the context of state-influenced production and reception. Further informations »