Nach der Tankschlacht bei Cambrai Dezember 1917 (1917)

Production company
Messter Film GmbH (Berlin)

Image: Map with caption: "Tank Battle at Cambrai 1917"; the directions of the German troops are marked.

1st intertitle: The English attempt to break through at Cambrai failed in spite of the use of several hundred tanks in groups.

2nd intertitle: 3 tank brigades, 300-400 tanks, were involved in the English tank attack. Over 100 tanks were captured.

3rd intertitle: Tanks disabled by artillery fire at Fontaine Notre Dame, a suburb of Cambrai.

Image: Panning shot over wintry landscape and destroyed buildings.

4th intertitle: The first German driver of enemy tanks, Corporal Leu of the Kraftfahrtruppen.

Image: Leu standing in front of a tank, smiling at the camera.

5th intertitle: Camouflage nets, intended against the view of airmen, to conceal preparations for a tank attack.

Image: A camouflage net is spread over a tank; a standing officer strikes the vehicle with his walking stick.

6th intertitle: Dismantling of tanks. Picture: Pan shot of houses, road, tanks on top, pan shot continues over snowy landscape; two shot-up tanks in a field.

7th intertitle: German motor transport troops practicing with enemy tanks.

Image: Several soldiers with a map stand in front of a tank; one soldier gestures to the terrain; they get into the tank and drive off; camera follows the tank's slow movement; soldier in long coat walks briefly across the frame; tank stops in front of the camera and drives past the camera; inscription F13 XII is visible. Continues over rough terrain; over ditch. View from another camera position: Tank drives over tree stumps, uproots a tree, drives past camera; after several attempts, a strong tree is felled. F-13 tank standing, crew climbing out of hatch below.

8th intertitle: An English tank drives under its own power to Berlin for loading, to the station in Cambrai.

Image: A tank marked C14 makes its way over a pile of rubble onto the platform; soldiers accompany the vehicle.

9th Intertitle: Demonstration of a booty tank by the experimental department of the motorized troops to members of the press in the exhibition halls of the Berlin Zoo.

Image: Tank F 41 at slow speed in wintry outdoor area; F 41 with gun extended; soldier looking out of upper hatch; tank turns on the spot; reverses.