
Spanien Deutschland Portugal 1996/1997 Spielfilm


Juantxo′s life is perfect: He is rich, he has a social position, a career and, in 5 days time, he is getting married to the daughter of a marquise.
But, before that, he will grant his friends one last request.

At his stag night in a well-known brothel with his two friends - Pako
and Konradin – he loses his virginity and his 30-million-Peseta
engagement ring. The search for the lost ring plunges the three friends
into the underworld of drug barons and brothel kings. Undaunted, the
trio embark on a furious journey around northern Spain from brothel to
brothel, unwittingly setting in motion a series of events that bring
the drug gangs to each other′s throats. They are let loose into a
bizarre world: from Portuguese mafia boss Souza, his black magic powers
and convoy of gun-toting kamikazes to unashamedly corrupt politicians;
from dialectic policemen to exotic whores, and from coke to airbags
that inflate with more than just air. On the way they meet the
seductive and dangerous Fatima Espirito Santo, and the outrageous and
unpredictable Pazos, whose efforts to linguistically impress are
nothing short of hilarious. As the chaos and clouds of smoke and coke
billow up behind them, Juantxo discovers hitherto untapped powers.
Pako′s highway credibility and sexual prowess are put to a severe test,
and Konradin keeps them both sane with encyclopaedic gems from his
store of useless facts. Meanwhile, many, many miles away, the church
bells ring out on a sunlit banquet

Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH



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All Credits


    • 10.06.1996 - 23.08.1996: Madrid und Umgebung, Santander, Navarra (Las Bárdenas)
3477 m, 124 min
35mm, 1:2,35
Eastmancolor, Dolby SRD

Uraufführung (ES): 13.06.1997, San Sebastian, Principe 2;
Aufführung (ES): 20.06.1997, Madrid;
Erstaufführung (DE): 22.01.1999, Saarbrücken, Max-Ophüls-Preis


  • Originaltitel (ES DE PT) Airbag
  • TV-Titel (DE) Airbag - Jetzt knallt's richtig!



3477 m, 124 min
35mm, 1:2,35
Eastmancolor, Dolby SRD

Uraufführung (ES): 13.06.1997, San Sebastian, Principe 2;
Aufführung (ES): 20.06.1997, Madrid;
Erstaufführung (DE): 22.01.1999, Saarbrücken, Max-Ophüls-Preis