Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told

USA 2013 Dokumentarfilm


Historical revisionism in the form of a six-hour compilation of archive material, underpinned with pathetic music and commented on with scientifically untenable assertions.

Subject is the life and career of Adolf Hitler, from his childhood to his time as a soldier in the First World War, his rise with the NSDAP, the seizure and consolidation of power, finally the Second World War and the downfall of the "Third Reich". In addition, the aftermath and significance of the NS-regime are subjected to a radical reinterpretation. Hitler is stylised as a great statesman, the Holocaust is played down and in part even negated. The claims are "substantiated" with quotations from notorious Holocaust deniers such as Ernst Zündel. The results of scientific research, which can be studied and verified, are ignored or attributed to the "victors' justice" of the Allies. Thus, the film serves the narratives of old and new Nazis across the board, who celebrate it accordingly on the internet.



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350 min


  • Originaltitel (US) Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told



350 min