Weitere Namen
Dietrich Georg Boden (Geburtsname)
Cast, Director, Screenplay
Kiel Dresden


Leon Boden aged 37, has had training as an actor and singer as well as studying directing for stage and screen. He worked for many years as an assistant director on TV plays for Austria"s ORF as well in theatres in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He has also been an assistant on productions by directors like Wenders, Herzog and Lilienthal, acted in various television series ("Tatort", "Zappek", and "Klippen des Todes") and been involved in the dubbing business as a writer, director and actor. He made his directorial debut with "Women Folk" ("Weibs-bilder") and plans to shoot his second feature "Rosenkavalier" from July 1996.

Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH