Director, Screenplay, Producer


Andreas Lewin studied Drama at the Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt/Main and at the University of the Arts in Berlin, as well as Documentary Direction at the European Film College in Denmark. He has worked as an actor in theaters including Berlin, Weimar, Oberhausen and Kraków from 1995. Since 2000, he has produced and directed several documentaries on film and theater actors and directors.

Since 2006, he has been the director of the DOKU.ARTS Festival which he founded at the Academy of the Arts. He has also curated films for, amongst others, Wien Modern, Instituto Moreira Salles, Rio de Janeiro and Eye Film Institute in The Netherlands. He has taught as a lecturer at the European Film College in Denmark, the Academy of Graphic and Book Arts in Leipzig, at the Korean Film Archive and the Goethe-Institut. His films include: "The Harvest was rich, but we are not saved" (short doc, 2000), "He played his shadow" (doc, 2002), "Kortner" (doc, 2004), "The Tales of Holtzmann" (doc, 2007), and "LONTANO" (doc, 2013).

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH