Memory of Water

Finnland Deutschland Norwegen Estland 2020-2022 Spielfilm


Memory of Water

In a future world stripped of freshwater, Noria, an idealist tea master’s daughter, finds out upon graduation that her strict father guards a secret freshwater spring. While the dystopian military government tightens its leash, Noria must learn to navigate alone after her father dies. Among his belongings she discovers a bigger secret: there may still be more clean water left in an irradiated place called the Lost Lands.

Noria’s closest friend, loyal but stubborn Sanja, is the only one she can trust – until Noria meets Taro, a young water specialist who comes to their village to find a solution to the water problem. As Noria’s secrets push her and Sanja apart, she grows closer to Taro – only to find out he’s lied about everything and will stop at nothing.

Noria must escape, save Sanja and find out if there is still some hope in a world ravaged beyond recognition. In the end Noria discovers that freedom is like secrets - both come with a heavy price to pay.

Source: 56th Hof International Film Festival 2022


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All Credits


  • Originaltitel (DE) Memory of Water
  • Originaltitel (FI) Veden vartija
  • Weiterer Titel Der Geschmack von Wasser



100 min
Farbe, Ton

Erstaufführung (DE): 27.10.2022, Hof, Internationale Filmtage;
Kinostart (DE): 08.06.2023