"For the Time Being", Source: Across Nations Filmverleih, DFF, © Across Nations
"For the Time Being"

This Week at the Movies: For the Time Being

The wedding of Michelle and her childhood friend Jermaine took place in a high-security prison, in a sterile visiting room. Michelle's hope that Jermaine, of whose innocence she is convinced, would soon be released has not yet been realised. Sentenced to 22 years for murder, he is in the notorious Sing Sing prison near New York. Michelle tries tirelessly to prove that he is wrongly imprisoned, while at the same time caring for her two teenage children as a single mother. Filmmaker Nele Dehnenkamp, who met Michelle when she was a sociology student dealing with the justice system in the USA, accompanied her fight for a life together with Jermaine in freedom for nine years and documented it with her camera. The result, "For the Time Being", is Dehnenkamp's graduation film at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy and a touching portrait of a self-confident, unwavering woman. At the same time, the film repeatedly turns into a judicial thriller - for example, when new documents cast doubt on a crucial witness statement - and allows deep insights into the ailing US justice system, in which skin colour still often determines guilt and innocence.

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